SonoDur3 UCI (Ultrasonic Contact Impedance) hardness便携式超声硬度计

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Product facts:技术特点

  • An armoured glass plane now protects the entire front. This permits simple cleaning of the smooth surfaces.
  • Buttons and housings are protected against dirt and chemical substances under rubber insulation.
  • Impact protection, MIL-G810 and IP65 makes the SonoDur3 particularly suitable for everyday work.
  • The housing is nearly as compact in size and as light-weight as the SonoDur2.
  • The SonoDur3 automatically recognises whether any, and if so, which, probe is connected to the device, and will load the matching probe data.
  • "Plug & Play", among other things for Windows 10 computers, can be used without any preparation by the user.
  • Software updates are available online, as for the SonoDur2.

Measuring Specifications测量指标

Measuring principle

UCI Method, corresponds to DIN 50159, ASTM A1038

Test indenter

Vickers diamond 136°

Test loads
Newton scale (1kgf = 9.81 N)

Motor probes: 1N (0.1 kgf), 3N (0.3kgf) and 8.6 N (0.9 kgf) Handheld Probes: 10N (1 kgf), 30N (3kgf), 49N (5kgf), 98N (10kgf), (Other test loads on request)

Hardness scales and range
(according to relevant standards), in this case table A1 respectively T1, T2 (low alloy steel). Different measuring ranges are valid for other materials. When exceeding the limits the conversion range will be extended. The calculated values are highlighted in red besides the original data in HV.

Conversions are acc. to latest ASTM E140-12bԐ1 (2013) and EN ISO 18265:2014.
Conversions into tensile strength: 98N (10kgf) test load only.

Vickers HV 10 – 1999 (9999)
Brinell HB 76 – 618
Rockwell HRB 41 – 105
Rockwell HRC 20,3 – 68
Rockwell HRE 70 – 108,5
Rockwell HRF 82,6 – 115,1
Rockwell HRA 60,7 – 85,6
Rockwell HRD 40,3 - 76,9 (EN ISO 18265 only)
Rockwell HR45N 19,9 – 75,4
Knoop HK 87 – 920 (ASTM E140 only)
Shore HS 34,2 – 97,3 (nur ASTM E140)
Zugfestigkeit MPa 255 – 2180 (EN ISO 18265 only)

上一条:测头P-T4A交变磁场的测量,信号输出至示波器 下一条:Low MU Permeability Indicator