Mini Zero Gauss Chamber 零高斯空腔

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This miniature Zero Gauss chamber is a portable, all-purpose, bench top magnetic shield. It provides a 1.38 inch Diameter x 8.55 inch Length working volume which can be used in any orientation. The 3D printed plastic housing makes it durable, lightweight, and easy to handle. Use this ZG-Mini for sensor calibration, offset measurements, probe zeroing, or storage of sensitive components.  

这种微型零高斯室是一种便携式、通用、台式磁屏蔽。它提供了1.38英寸直径x 8.55英寸长度的工作体积,可用于任何方向。3D打印的塑料外壳使其耐用、轻便且易于操作。使用此ZG Mini进行传感器校准、偏移测量、探针调零或敏感元件的存储。

Shielding Attenuation of Eath's magnetic field* 

Axial Direction  2,500:1
Transverse Direction  25,000:1

*Earth's magnetic field is approximately 0.5 Gauss (50 micro Tesla). Measured at the center of the shield with MAG-13 fluxgate magnetometer. Shield was oriented so opening are facing East-West.

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